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Will Club have affiliate tiers like Social Snowball?

  • No, but don’t let that discourage you! Social Snowball’s tier system had limitations, as it capped progression. With Club, rewards are based on activity and engagement through missions. Plus, you can apply for roles within Rúngne (Ambassadors, Content Creators, and more to come). There’s no limit to what you can achieve, and we have plenty of missions planned for you, so good luck keeping up!

Does Club have tracked links?

  • Not yet, but the Club team has confirmed that tracked links will be introduced in March.

Why can’t I create the same discount code I had in Social Snowball?

  • Both SS and Club are linked to our store, meaning duplicate codes aren’t possible. Once we fully transition away from SS, this won’t be an issue. If you really want the same code for now, reach out to the support team on Discord.
How do I connect my social account to Club?
  • Go to your account (top right corner of the Club app), select "Social Accounts," and connect your account. You may also be prompted to do this at the start of a mission.

I can’t take part in missions—what’s wrong?

  • Most missions require you to have your social account connected. If you’re seeing the message “This mission is currently unavailable to you,” make sure to connect your social account.

How do I submit mission content?

  • Check the mission summary and action steps—they contain all the details you need to successfully complete and submit your mission.

Why can’t I create a discount code?

  • Only community members can create discount codes. To become part of the community, you need to connect your social account in the Club app. To do this, go to your account (top right corner of the Club app), select "Social Accounts," and link your account. Once connected, you’ll be able to create discount codes.